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Talented and Gifted

Philosophy Statement

Ronan Public Schools recognizes that some students have exceptional, intellectual and creative abilities that vary from those of the general population. We are committed to making the necessary accommodations for these exceptional students.


The term "gifted and talented" means children of outstanding abilities who are capable of high performance and require differentiated and/or accelerated curricula in order to fully achieve their potential contribution to self and society. The children so identified include those with demonstrated achievement or potential ability.

Identification Process

Students can be referred for identification for gifted services by parents, teachers, and counselors and other educators and can occur as early as kindergarten. Qualification for Gifted Education Services are considered based on Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) scores (grades 2-4), MontCAS (grades 3-8 and grade 10) in reading and mathematics. Referrals are made for those students. Referred students are given the Renzulli Hartman Rating Scale during two testing windows, one in the fall and one in the spring. MAP testing occurs two times a year in grades 3-5 and (grade 2 in the spring) and in middle and high school, students are assessed once a year up to and including 11th grade. When a referral is made, the referral form is sent to the school counselor who manages referrals in each school building. The data, which includes grades, the most current standardized test scores and teacher rating form, is collected and analyzed by the classroom teacher, counselor and principal to determine if placement is warranted. A student is identified for services when 2 scores are at or above the 95th percentile (MAP – Reading and Mathematics or scores 300 on the state MontCAS test or equivalent) and is rating superior on the Renzulli-Hartman Scales. Final decisions are made by the District Gifted Education Team. Documentation of their qualification needs to be included in their file. This can include a letter from the previous district that states that they were officially identified as a “gifted” student.

Curriculum and Instruction

Gifted students must receive on-going differentiated instruction that is planned and embedded in the core curriculum. In order to more fully meet the unique educational needs of gifted and high ability students, Ronan Public Schools offers the following program options, which include but not limited to:

Single-subject acceleration Whole grade acceleration Curriculum compacting Differentiated Instruction Flexible grouping Cluster Grouping SAT Challenge Student Conferences Assistance with social and emotional needs Mentorships as needed and when available Advanced Placement classes Honors and upper level course work Dual Credit AP testing opportunities for upper levels in English, Math, Science and Art Advanced Opportunities in Music Clubs and Activities in a variety of interest areas (i.e. Speech and Debate, Health Occupations Students of America, HOSA)

Support Services

Ronan Public Schools provides a variety of services for all students. These services are available for gifted and high ability students on an as needed basis. Support services include but are not limited to school counselors, school psychologists, mentors, curriculum specialists, and additional school programs.

Parent Involvement

Parents are welcomed advocates for their gifted child’s appropriate placement, curriculum and social and emotional needs. Periodically throughout the school year, district-wide parent meetings are planned Open Houses) as well as at individual schools as requested. Meetings include presentations on understanding the services provided for advanced and gifted students. These meetings also give parents an opportunity for parents to give input on the Ronan gifted program.

Relevant materials and books are available for parents in our professional libraries.

Parents are kept informed through periodic newsletters, classroom websites, Powerschool and the district website. In turn, parents support the program by volunteering in classrooms with small groups of students, by attending field trips and through the annual student conferences.

Professional Development

Professional Development will focus on instructional management, acceleration, vertical teaming for accelerated courses and curriculum modification which are key components of the gifted education delivery system.

Program Evaluation

The evaluation of Gifted Education Services will include the following areas: identification of gifted students, program options and teacher training and support. In order to improve services, input from teachers, parents and students will be included in the evaluation process when appropriate.

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March 28

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4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

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