Indian Education

Indian Education Coordinator/ IEFA Building Rep. RHS
"Let us put our minds together and see what life we can make for our children."
– Sitting Bull
Quick Links
- Policy 7231 - Indian Policies and Procedures for Impact Aid
- 2021-2022 Summative Report
- Instructional Resources
- Social and emotional learning (SEL)
- Hope for Life Day Toolkit: Resource for suicide prevention. American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) Task Force focuses on reducing suicide in AI/AN communities.
- Native Diabetes Wellness Program
- AI/AN Suicide Prevention Video
- Search Institute: positive youth development: Focusing on the strengths of young people, rather than their deficits.
- PBS Learning Media/Free Resources for Educators
- A Tribe Called Geek is an award-winning media platform for Indigenous Geek Culture and STEM.
- iCivics: Free resources/games that teach civic-engagement
- Molly of Denali: Features a Native Alaskan lead character. The series, aimed at children ages 4-8, features the adventures of Alaska Native Molly Mabray,
- PBS: Mission US: A Cheyenne Odyssey
- Science Friday partners with educators and scientists to create free STEM activities, lessons, and resources for all learners.
- When Rivers Were Trails: Educational 2D adventure game which follows the displaced Anishinaabeg in the 1890’s.
- Indian Student Achievement: Strategies, Supports, and Resources
- Running Strong helps strengthen American Indian communities across the nation. With a focus on serving American Indian youth.
- American Indian/Alaska Native Achievement Gap
- MT American Indian Student Achievement Data Report Fall 2018
- Growth and Enhancement of Montana Students (GEMS)
- The Nation's Report Card
- OPI Indian Ed. For All Resources
- Native Teaching Aids
- Native News
- Mapping Native Lands
- Native Knowledge 360
- The Rez We Live On
- Montana Tribes
- Selis Qlispe Culture Committee
- CSKT Tribal Education Resources
- Tools for Success — A Guide for High School Seniors, Families, Counselors and others…. *
- American Indian College Fund
- American Indian Education Fund
- American Indian Tuition Waiver - Montana University System
- Application for Montana University System American Indian Undergraduate Tuition Waiver
- CSKT Higher Education Scholarship Program
- Gates Millennium Scholars Program
- HOPA Mountain
- MT Tribal Ed. Departments
- U.S. Colleges And Universities Offering In-State Tuition And Tuition Waivers For Native American Students
- Teaching Tolerance
- Bill of Rights Institute: Free resources that work to engage, educate, and empower individuals with a passion for the freedom and opportunity that exist in a free society.
- Project Look Sharp: Free Common Core Standards Aligned Literacy Kits (lessons/units)
- The Homepage of James W. Loewen Author of Lies My Teacher Told Me, Lies Across America, Sundown Towns, Teaching What Really Happened, and The Confederate and Neo-Confederate Reader
- Zinn Education Project
- The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
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